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Free radicals at the heart of the skin aging process

Free radicals are the main culprits in accelerated cellular aging. They are responsible for oxidative stress which will promote premature aging of the skin with the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and cause skin sagging.

Molecule illustration

Free radicals: who are they?

Free radicals are very reactive oxygen molecules. The molecule splits into two atoms, and one of these 2 atoms ends up with an unpaired electron. This electron will look for another electron to pair with it and form a stable pair. But in this quest, the electron will cause cascading damage around it, called oxidative stress, by attacking cell membranes, DNA and proteins. And among the damaged cells, we find those that produce elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid. The skin consequences then follow one another: wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, etc.

Free radicals: how to protect yourself?

To limit the production of free radicals, a healthy lifestyle remains essential. But at the skin level, we can also act by providing antioxidants which will neutralize these free radicals. For decades, many synthetic or petrochemical antioxidants have been used. However, the plant and marine kingdoms are full of active ingredients extremely rich in antioxidants.

Anti-oxidants of natural origin

Many powerful anti-oxidants of plant origin will effectively block free radicals. While it is impossible to list them all here, we can cite:

  • Grape water rich in antioxidant polyphenols
  • Grapeseed oil, very rich in omega-6 and antioxidants,
  • Plum oil is rich in Vitamin E with powerful anti-oxidant properties
  • Immortelle extract rich in chlorogenic acids with strong antioxidant properties
  • Oyat extract, very rich in antioxidant polyphenols
  • Kiwi seeds with a high level of omega 3, a polyunsaturated fatty acid with powerful anti-aging properties.
  • Vitamins C and E of natural origin, whose anti-oxidant properties are among the most remarkable

But the marine world also offers us very good sources of antioxidants, among which we can cite Chondrus Crispus (red algae), Fucus (brown algae), Undaria (brown algae).

In conclusion

Powerful and abundant, antioxidants of natural origin have nothing to envy of synthetic antioxidants. And we know where they come from and know their safety...

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